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The Westwood, Garwood, NJ Wedding | Christina & John

This day was a colorful blend of every feeling you can have on a wedding day. The love is in the air at these weddings, and Christina and John's was no exception. Every time it's a new challenge to try and effectively present a couple's love. They shared moments alone, moments together, and moments with family and friends. Love was everywhere...

Nothing could stop this couple from enjoying every minute of their day. After some detail shots, we stopped off at a park before going to the ceremony. This was no ordinary moment at this park. Looks like the big guy upstairs was watching out for us, because everything came together beautifully. The lines of trees had me in awe.

Christina and John were perfectly contrasted against the yellows and light greens of the park. You can't get bad footage with backdrops and couples as beautiful as these! After spending time at the church, and then at the reception, it's like all of us were old friends by the end of the night.

Jessah Rose was outdoing herself as usual. Carefully paying attention to every detail, making sure this day was literally picture perfect. With a team like us that knows how to joke around, but at the same time cares about the details, all our couples love us. Jessah was off enjoying her new Sony so much, I wonder if she even remembers what a Nikon is? I'm excited to see these photos! #dreamwedding




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