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Mezza, Livingston, NJ Engagement Party | Nick & Tony

Their Day: Mezza in Livingston, NJ

Nick and Tony invited me along to Mezza in Livingston, NJ to document their engagement party. You may remember these two cuties from their proposal at Plut's Christmas Tree Farm! They got engaged while picking out a tree one morning while I snuck around to grab the moment! Afterwards, we spent some time together for their engagement session! You can check out their Christmas proposal here!

These two got dressed up in holiday fashion and celebrated this next step in their lives with friends and family. I loved Nick and Tony's attention to detail and all of the elements they incorporated. Their cake with custom topper, their matching signs and menus, the unique tree guestbook, and candles as party favors that doubled as a seating chart! I don't know what was sweeter, the thought behind the candle or that they included me in their seating chart and provided food for me! 😭 Here's what the note on the candle said; “ ‘A bayberry candle burnt to the socket brings food to the larder and gold to the pocket.’ Bayberry candle tradition holds that burning bayberry cables with your loved ones brings good luck in the New Year.” I made sure to burn the candle in one sitting once I went home!

Nick & Tony: I loved seeing your friends and family so thrilled for you both! I'm glad that I could be there to celebrate along with you and document this day for you! You two are absolutely adorable together and I am so happy to see you surrounded with nothing but joy and support!



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